This first piece is entitled "That's Funni" and is from a series called "Tuned In", which features the ways in which we communicate, whether it be with other humans, animals, the universe or a device. For the diptychs, Shari usually will be struck with an idea of the first half and work from there.

"That's Funni" - available at OneWay Gallery Providence (Above)

Two pieces additional pieces from the "Tuned In" Series

"Alter Ego #3" - Acrylic on canvas, From the "Ego Series" - Available at OneWay Providence

A sneak peek at new work from the artist
About the artist: Shari grew up in NY as a dancer, attended MICA in Baltimore where she earned a BFA, majoring in painting with a minor in art history. She moved to RI with her family 8 years ago and has exhibited in MD, DC, NY, MA, RI.